Tuesday, June 24, 2014

What is #PSVitaDirect?

E3 2014 ended not too long ago and while some couldn't be happier with the results from all the attending companies, Sony's PS Vita fans were left struggling yet again. It seems a chain of events set off poor reactions from a large portion of the Vita community. Several Twitter hashtag movements sprung up like wildfires, but I'm here to quickly talk to you about one in particular: #PSVitaDirect

What is #PSVitaDirect?
#PSVitaDirect is a Vita fan initiative taking place on Twitter. It is calling for Sony's attention, Vita owner's attention and the attention of anyone else who can help the stagnating Vita.

What are its goals?
To garner more marketing from Sony, who seems to be completely willing to sideline this powerful machine as nothing more than an expensive PS4 peripheral. #PSVitaDirect would like to see videos regularly reporting on the Vita, it's games and capabilities. This idea was inspired of Nintendo's largely successful Nintendo Direct.

#PSVitaDirect would like to see Sony reach out to more third-party publishers to ensure the system gets a healthy flow of games. We would like to also see Sony supporting its device with more advertising and first-party titles.

Why is it needed?
The Vita is a powerful machine that has floundered for some time now. Many owners purchased it as a dedicated gaming machine, not as a touchscreen controller. Many owners would like to see the Vita continue to be that gaming machine. #PSVitaDirect believes that Sony is moving away from a massive portion of Vita owners.

As it stands, the Vita seems to be supported solely by several very dedicated developers and publishers rather than the company who should be doing it - Sony.

What brought this movement into existence?
#PSVitaDirect seems to be a culmination of several years of poor first-party support and advertising. It all came together after E3 2014 in which the Vita had hardly any screen time focusing on its powerful hardware and upcoming retail games, but rather a quick montage of indie games. Add to that the Type-0 confusion, the Vita TV replaced by the PlayStation TV (Sony seems to be outright scared of the Vita name), the articles with Sony executives stating they wanted to move away from the Vita receiving first-party games support and #PSVitaDirect was born.

What do we expect?
I don't believe anyone in #PSVitaDirect expects anything at all. I think there is a lot of hope going around, but no expectations. Vita owners are not refusing to buy anymore games for the Vita. This is not a boycott. This is a collection of fans who love the Vita and will do what they can to help it out.

Is it just "whining"?
Many will argue that this is just whining. Quite frankly, I believe passion is regularly confused with such. Many do not understand the purpose. Many who buy the Vita as a PS4 peripheral will think an initiative like this is out of place and will just do harm. I don't believe this is the case. I believe this initiative shows only the burning passion Vita owners feel for this extremely capable machine. Many of us think the Vita having such deep functions with the PS4 would be nothing but good, so long as the Vita received support in the form of decent advertising and games straight from Sony.

What about taking matters into our own hands?
This is actually something that has been discussed in various places. Many fans wouldn't mind putting together their own Vita Direct videos. That's something that needs to be discussed and planned out more. Putting together resources and reliable help can take some time. Until then, it seems we keep on the same path: Tell Sony we're here and we care about their product. Tell Sony that we'd enjoy the same treatment from their side.

What has #PSVitaDirect done for the Vita community so far?
#PSVitaDirect has brought a large portion of the community together in a peaceful celebration of the system and its current library. Between sharing pictures of collections, helping each other out with how to import titles and what to keep an eye out for, we have bonded. It has brought a bit of hope and direction to many fans who felt like the Vita was absolutely dead in the water with no chance of revival.

How can you help?
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about #PSVitaDirect. You've already done a lot for us with that small action.

If you'd like to do more, you can help by spreading the word about #PSVitaDirect! Have a Twitter account? Come join us! Come show us your collection, no matter how small or digital. Spread this article around, talk to your friends, maybe tell some folks around your regular forum haunts that we're here. Let people know, just as #PSVitaDirect is letting Sony know, that we're here to help and that's it. We're not an enemy of the Vita. It's quite the opposite.

Even if we never get Sony to budge on something like this, we are at least undertaking the task of banding the Vita community together. With your help, maybe we achieve our own PS Vita Direct someday.


  1. Well said, thanks for doing this article. Hopefully it'll spread far and wide!

  2. No problem!

    And we'll see. I'm not exactly a model of "popularity", but if I can even get a few people to learn a bit more about the initiative, then I'm very happy.

  3. This is a fantastic read Luka. The explains the #PSVitaDirect goals and accomplishments so far, fantastically. It is great to see such great support from the PS Vita community.

  4. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

    It really is nice to see so many people band together in a peaceful movement.
