The bizarre visual novel, Hatoful Boyfriend, is heading its way to the PS Vita in the second quarter of 2015. Hatoful Boyfriend is a visual novel / avian dating sim from the mind of Hato Moa.
In Hatoful Boyfriend, players will roam the halls and find love in between classes as the only human sophomore student at the St. PigeoNation’s Institute, a school for talented pigeons. Yes, you read that right; you will be dating pigeons. You will be talking to birds from almost every social circle, from narcoleptic school instructors to pigeon biker gangs.
It seems like you can get yourself into a bit of trouble along the way too, players will uncover dark conspiracies and encounter unexpected twists. If you potentially make a wrong derision you could end up being murdered by the bird that you trusted most; it's encouraged that you pick your bird mate wisely.
The premise of the game is very interesting to say the least and its pretty awesome that the PS Vita's library of games is getting more diverse these days. There is no word on the pricing of the title of now, although the game has actually been available on PC for a while now and the price is currently $9.99 on Steam; hopefully the price isn't too much more than that.
What are your thoughts on Hatoful Boyfriend making its debut on the PS Vita? If you already played it on PC please do tell us about your thoughts on the game.
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