Thursday, November 6, 2014

Want Volgarr The Viking On Your Vita?

For those of you who never heard of this game before, Volgarr the Viking is a popular hardcore 16-bit style action side-scroller made by Crazy Viking Studios. The Crazy Viking Studios team, Kris Durrschmidt and Taron Millet, has previously worked on titles such as The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night for the GameBoy Advance and Shinobi on the 3DS.
It was KickStarted a couple years ago seeking $18,000 to finish off funding for the game, having already had $135k pumped into its development privately.

The KickStarter took off, careening past that figure with the game eventually receiving just a shade under $40,000 from 1,604 backers.

There was a single stretch goal adding additional content into the game, but it was not met as it required a $50,000 pledge.

Since then, it has been made available on both Steam and Xbox One for $9.99. This game was given away on Xbox One through Games with Gold.

On Steam this game has over user 700 reviews giving it a 9/10 rating while on Xbox One it has nearly 2,000 ratings giving it a score of 2.5.
Metacritic has ~10 critic reviews for an ~8.5 and ~75 user reviews for ~8.

Volgarr the Viking also has numerous accolades to its credit, including having taken home Indie Game Magazine's 2013 Best Gameplay award and being named IndieLucahador's Game of the Year.
Here's the game's launch trailer;

Just slightly over one month ago in early October, Kris Durrschmidt responded to a fan of the game asking if the game would ever make its way to the PlayStation Vita.

As you can see, he said it depended on whether or not it could be afforded.

It seems like the game may have the funding to move onto a new console as. as of this morning, the developer has said that they'll bring Volgarr the Viking to any console that provides a sufficient demand.

How much is sufficient demand? I don't know, but I've reached out to see if a number can be attached to the statement for a bit more clarity. 

In the meantime, if this seems like a game that interests you, you can send a tweet relaying your feelings to:

The Crazy Vikings Studio's Twitter account.

Kris Durrschmidt's Twitter account.

You can even bug them on Facebook!

1 comment:

  1. Not really. It looks like some Game Maker homebrew project. Would rather have Rastan or Odallus.
